Fire Death & Injury
Phoenix Attorney
Fire Death or Injury Claim
House fires cause more fatalities and serious burn injuries than all other forms of fire accidents put together. Homes are where people spend more time than any other place, including workplaces. Numerous ignition sources can be found in modern homes, which are also constructed and furnished with flammable materials. In the US, residential buildings are not subject to the same fire safety regulations as commercial ones.
Most domestic fires that cause injuries or fatalities happen at night, when the house is dark and the people are asleep. Daytime fires are less lethal because residents may be directly involved in the fire’s source and are therefore instantly aware of the fire and have plenty of time to flee or put it out. Compared to individuals who are asleep, awake and alert people can perceive the effects of fire more immediately in terms of sight, smell, hearing, and touch. A functional smoke alarm is a necessary component of house fire protection.
Open flames, bad electrical wiring, malfunctioning appliances, extremely flammable household goods, malfunctioning power cords, and home electrical systems are the main causes of house fires. When smoke alarms go out, when windows are barred, when there are insufficient escapes, or when residents are not given enough time to flee, the outcome is fire deaths and burn injuries. Not only must personal injury lawyers determine what started the fire, but also what caused the injuries and fatalities. Furthermore, there are frequently no witnesses to the origin of the fire because the majority of fatal fires happen at night while the inhabitants are asleep. Fire investigators sometimes need to determine the cause using the visible evidence and fire patterns that are still present after the incident.
In order to identify the cause of the fire, house fire scenes need to be promptly inspected and documented. When victims are being cared for at hospitals or burial homes, local government agencies and insurance companies act quickly to demolish burning buildings. In order to preserve evidence and begin a fire investigation, it is imperative that those who have been burned in fires and the families of those who have perished in fires seek out competent legal counsel as quickly as possible following a significant fire. Our attorneys can prevent evidence from being destroyed and arrange for an appropriate team to investigate the fire. Families of victims of fire deaths and burn survivors may lose their right to compensation if they do not hire a competent attorney for burn injuries and fire cases as soon as possible.
This is why it’s so important to choose the experienced attorneys at Phillips Law Group. Here at Phillips Law Group, we have expertise in fire deaths and injuries and are here to provide you with the information you need to be successful in your disability claim. Call us now for a free consultation at 602-222-2222
or call us at (602) 258-8888
Why is it Important To Consult and Retain a Personal Injury Lawyer?
You need legal representation experienced in handling these kinds of claims if you are hurt in a fire that occurred due to carelessness or negligence. Fire and explosion incidents usually need to be looked into right away to see if anyone can be held legally responsible for paying the victim or their family money. This could include homeowners, business owners, product manufacturers or distributors, or other people or groups. Additionally, these incidents frequently call for analysis by arson investigators or other experts able to determine the cause of the blast or blaze.
How Much Does a Lawyer Cost?
At Phillips Law Group, we handle cases on a contingency basis. We do not require money upfront, and you owe us nothing unless we pursue and win your fire death or injury lawsuit.
There is no risk in giving our team a call to talk about your legal options, and your information will remain confidential. You are under no obligation to retain our services after meeting with our firm, but we believe we can prove we are the right team to have on your side.
To discuss all of your legal options, please contact us today to see how Phillips Law Group can assist you. Our lawyers will fight to get you the justice you deserve.
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